Established in 2010, formerly known as CV INDOTECH TRIMITRA MANDIRI. Transformed to PT INDOTECH TRIMITRA ABADI in 2016 with the main business line selling Cutting Tools, Tooling Systems, Machinery, and Machine Equipment & Accessories.

Starting in early 2016 till today, PT INDOTECH TRIMITRA ABADI became a holding of INDOTECH GROUP company and currently have 6 (Six) companies with each different business field by prioritizing the service and best solutions for customers to increase productivity, quality, and work efficiency by offering the latest products and technology.

PT INDOTECH TRMITRA ABADI and the group companies are selling and providing products and services to enormous segments of industrial and non-industrial clients such as:

Automotive, Agricultural Machinery, Energy & Power Plant, Garment & Textile, Mold & Die Maker, Food & Beverages, Steel Mills & Foundry, Electrical, Railways, Oil & Gas, Mining Industry Heavy Industry, Fabrication, Special Purpose Machine, Medical, Furniture, Marine & Shipyard, Aerospace, General Machining, Plastic & Aluminium Wares, Education Institution, Government Services, Association, Indonesian Ministry, Etc.

With our enormous range of high-end domestically, abroad and our developed products such as:

  • Cutting tools, tooling system, machinery, machine equipment & accessories
  • Indonesian premium coffee roaster machine (Pratter) and particular purposes coffee processing machinery
  • Abrasives consumables, steel material, safety equipment
  • CAD / CAM software and general industrial tools and equipment (Hoffmann Group)
  • Services: Engineering, mechanical, electrical, maintenance, and factory set-up
  • Precision machining, fabrication, and stamping-line
  • Coating service and technology (Teflon, ceramic, etc.)

We continuously strive to provide the best solutions to all of our client’s needs, provide positive value to all clients and provide the best after-sales service for all of them.

PT INDOTECH TRIMITRA ABADI is full-filled of qualified human resources of many expertises. We continue to educate good behavior and improve capabilities for all human resources. Continuing to develop the latest, effective, and solution systems and continuing to strive to build the quality of human resources as our main strength, we are very confident that we will continue to grow and will be able to overcome all obstacles.

PT INDOTECH TRIMITRA ABADI also takes a role in government projects incorporated as a provider in E-Katalog LKPP. Also, INDOTECH GROUP is active and became one of the assisted industries of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia and supports the government’s program on “Vocational and Industry Synergy” about Teaching Factory (TEFA), Link and Super Match, and Internship. Create product collaboration and provide any needs and work practice equipment for vocational education.

Company Profile

Company Profile PT Indotech Trimitra Abadi V.2 2023.pdf



“Revel in Responsibility” encapsulates a mindset that not only embraces but finds joy and fulfillment in the duties and obligations that come with one’s roles and commitments. PT INDOTECH TRIMITRA ABADI Invite all departments and staff to views responsibility not as a burden to be avoided or endured but as an opportunity for growth, contribution, and meaningful at works and their lives. Those who revel in responsibility understand that it is through shouldering obligations that they can make a difference, and shape their lives and the lives of others. They approach tasks with enthusiasm, recognizing them as pathways to achievement and personal development rather than obstacles to be overcome. Whether it’s in professional endeavors, personal relationships, or societal contributions, individuals who revel in responsibility take ownership of their actions and commitments, finding fulfillment in the impact they can make and the sense of purpose it provides.

This mindset is characterized by a proactive approach to life, where individuals actively seek out opportunities to take on challenges and fulfill their obligations with dedication and enthusiasm. Rather than shying away from responsibility or viewing it as a chore, they embrace it wholeheartedly, understanding that it is through these responsibilities that they can truly make a difference. By reveling in responsibility, individuals cultivate a sense of empowerment, recognizing their ability to effect positive change and contribute meaningfully to their communities and beyond. Ultimately, this mindset fosters resilience, growth, and a deep sense of satisfaction derived from actively engaging with the world and the responsibilities it entails.

Three Pillars Indotech

Gratitude to God's


Brotherhood & Social Responsibility

Company Milestones


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